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How to ace your interview

Accounts Jobs near me…”

If you are in the process of typing ‘accounts jobs near me’ into your search engine, you’re probably also thinking about the interview and how you are going to go about winning the role.

Interviews make most of us nervous, and we start scurrying about, trying to prepare as best as we can.

Wouldn’t it be great to go to an interview and be yourself? Unashamedly you. Because when it comes down to it, the best version of you shouldnt only be on display in an interview. Authenticity is like electricity, and it will give you the power to shine in the interview room.

You know, interviews should not be based upon performance art, although sadly it can feel like this sometimes. Most people will admit to having used ‘techniques’ to secure a job when they weren’t the person that they were portraying themselves to be.

It is tempting to read the job description and the body language of the person interviewing and then simply mirror what they are saying in the hope that they will side with us to win that ‘accounts job near me’.

However, an award-winning acting performance isn’t what employers are looking for! It certainly shouldnt be our goal to give a performance. In fact, it should be quite the opposite.

A true role that fits and works for both parties is the one that you flow in. The role in which you learn and earn, and which allows you to function fully in your gifts and talents.

The key to all this is your character. The first part of demonstrating your character is just being you. Authentic. Living true to yourself and having enough faith that the company that employs you is more than happy with that.

We call it the squeeze test.

When you squeeze yourself into a role that isnt really you, when the pressure comes (as it surely will), your true self will come out. Like toothpaste, only the taste wont be a refreshing or pleasant one for everyone.

The ‘true you’ will flourish under pressure because the authentic version of you doesnt have to pretend. You’ll function, flow and ultimately grow in the role.

Just like with their finances, people need to be able to count on you. So, the best route (although not necessarily the quickest) is always to be you.

So, what does being ‘YOU’ look like?

It’s all in the preparation. Making sure you are aligned for the assignment. Success is where preparation meets opportunity, and your opportunity will come if you prepare wisely.

You might have heard it said that ‘clarity brings confidence’ and people respond to confidence more than anything else. You see, there’s a big difference between trying to fake it, and being able to look someone in the eye because you are pretty clear about the fact that you are fully prepared for the job that you are interviewing for. It’s what makes all the difference.

Here are a few things that you wont see on an interview preparation list, but they could become your secret tools! They’ll come in handy for winning jobs, and they’ll also allow you to ace presentations, win promotions and ultimately step into purpose.

Mirror Look:

Not to see how good you look; no, look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Is this what you want?” No, really. Not because you need the money, but rather, will this role help you step closer to the version of yourself that you aspire to be? When you look at yourself in the mirror, you know when you are ‘misaligned’. You can’t pretend to yourself! Ultimately, looking in the mirror and leaving it with confidence is everything. Telling the truth starts with you. When you make a choice to uphold your own best interests, life looks different.

Family first:

You dont have to die for the company. You want to live for what counts. Be exceptional, but not at the expense of the things that matter. You can set the tone for the life you choose to live. Make it known that your family is important and be clear about your boundaries. The world is full of people who have been rewarded for being absent from their families, but when all is said and done, their regrets run deep. Knowing your priorities helps you determine the type of role that you can accommodate. Remote working or even a four-day work week are things that once only the insanely hopeful might have requested. These days, however, they might just be on the table! Leave the interview having made it clear that youll do your very best for the company and for the family you want to build and enjoy.

Follow your heart:

You know when you missed it, right? It is a kick to the gut. You can feel it deep down. You know in an interview when something feels off. Some might blame it on the company and look for something negative. But that’s not it. It’s a check you feel in your gut, and it’s jarring. It happens when we say yes to the wrong thing. It’s like we have a sixth sense about what we are supposed to say yes to, and when we do, it’s exciting. We might be a little scared, but that inner ‘knowing’ means that there is alignment!

Dont say yes and then regret it afterwards. Give yourself time, no matter how excited you feel. In an interview scenario, your head might love the size of the salary, but your heart must live with what the role will cost you. When your head and heart align, you can look forward to special times!

Be true to yourself.

Fail forward.

You are amazing. You have the talent and skills to make an impact. In spite of all this, you will fail. Don’t regard failure as fatal! There is a chance that the role you are going for will not come off. Learn from it. Ask for feedback and go again, wiser for it.

Or, suppose you win the role, you’re one week into the job, and you make a mistake. It’s the same as before. Ask for feedback. Learn, and then go again.

The reality is that practice makes progress – practice doesn’t always make perfect, at least not straight away! We learn every day, and being better than we were yesterday should be our aim. We don’t have to be right all the time for the right role to find us.

Longer term, the right role may even become the wrong one as our skills improve and opportunities increase. It is why it is a great idea to ask about opportunities for progression as a purpose-driven candidate.

Failing forward means learning from our mistakes and turning our experience into insights that will not only help us, but also help us build a file of leadership lessons to help others with.

Ultimately, people who live by conviction will always stand out from those who make their choices based on circumstance. In a world full of uncertainty, being certain about what you want gets peoples attention.

As you chase your dream role in finance, being confident in who you are and what is important to you will help you to stand up and be counted!

At Core3 we’ll always advise you and help you brush up on your interview technique. Then, after the event, we’ll always feed back to you. Even if its not good news, it will be constructive, and you’ll be able to use it towards future success.

So, what are you waiting for? Why not get in touch?